Posts Tagged With: socialism

Danny Glover on the Second Amendment: Created by Whites Fearful of Black Slaves and Indians!

There comes a point where ignorance and stupidity just become high comedy, and the useful idiots on the Left hit that point…alot! Case in point, Danny Glover, multimillionaire actor and useful idiot. Enjoy!


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NRA Statement on Their Meeting with Biden’s Taskforce

It should come as no surprise that the Obama Administration has no intention of taking the rights and views of gun owners into account when they come up with their “answer” to violence in America. In fact, the ONLY plan they intend to follow is more ineffective gun control, greater infringement on liberty, and the gradual destruction of the Constitution. The meeting with the NRA only highlighted the contempt that Washington has for American gun owners. Here is the NRA’s statement:

Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association of America is made up of over 4 million moms and dads, daughters and sons, who are involved in the national conversation about how to prevent a tragedy like Newtown from ever happening again. We attended today’s White House meeting to discuss how to keep our children safe and were prepared to have a meaningful conversation about school safety, mental health issues, the marketing of violence to our kids and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals.

We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment. While claiming that no policy proposals would be “prejudged,” this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners – honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans. It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems. We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen. Instead, we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works – and what does not.

Categories: Gun Control, Guns and Politics, Second Amendment | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Innocents Betrayed

There is nothing more frightening than the government, nor more dangerous. The power it wields is vast, and only a respect for the law and for the people keep it from becoming tyrannical. Our founders understood that the law is only an idea, words on paper; and that once government chooses to ignore those words, only the people can prevent tyranny. Hence, they gave us the 2nd Amendment, the People’s Liberty’s Teeth as Washington put it, to make sure that our own leaders would never turn into the despots that drove them, and many others, from Europe.

In 1938, Hitler drafted gun control laws that began the disarmament and eventual genocide of millions. In 1968, leading American Democrats crafted the Gun Control Act of 1968. I say crafted, but it is mostly plagiarized from Hitler’s 1938 law. They have been working hard to disarm the American people ever since, with complicity of left-leaning republicans and a mainstream media that is little more than the GNC’s own propaganda wing. These groups have worked hard to blame guns for the violence that bloodies our streets and kills our young people, while shielding from blame–or even scrutiny–societal causes that arose from their own leftist programs.

Now, a few days after the Sandy Hook Massacre, and we see the Left giving pitiful lip service to the grief caused by Lanza, the shooter, while doing everything it can to push for ever-harsher gun controls. The Left refuses to acknowledge that gun control could not have saved those children; they insist that taking guns from the law-abiding and the peaceful is the only way to solve this problem. The following documentary shows what happens when personal liberty is surrendered in this way, it gives you insight into what happens when people listen to their government when they said, “Trust us! We would never harm you!”

Categories: Gun Control, Guns and Politics, Liberty, Second Amendment | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Kindergarten Massacre: Blame the Shooter, Not the Guns

The numbers in Connecticut are horrific: 27 dead, 20 of them children. The shooter is dead, so we will never really know why this happened. What we do know is this: he acquired several weapons, entered a place where he knew he would encounter no resistance, and began to shoot. He made the decision to attack these people, reinforced that decision with each every step he took on his way to that school, with each time he pressed the gas pedal on his car, with each time he pulled the trigger. He had ample time and opportunity to stop this horrible act before it happened; and he could have stopped at any time up to the point he was killed.

In short: Those deaths were entirely the fault of the murder.

That seems to be lost in the almost orgasmic cries for more gun control coming from leftist politicians and their stooges in the media. The likes of Patton Oswald, Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, Mia Farrow, Piers Morgan (again!) and others are tweeting, commenting, pontificating, and otherwise spouting off about the need to get weapons off the street.

Never mind that guns are already under pretty strict control, and crooks and lunatics get them anyway. Never mind that the kind of gun bans they want have led to more violence and crime everywhere they have been instituted. Never mind that the one place in America with their ideal gun control laws, Chicago, Illinois, is the murder capital of the planet. In fact, Chicago gets the equivalent to the Connecticut massacre nearly every month, sometimes in a single weekend, and that is in spite of the fact that the private ownership of handguns is all but illegal.

None of that matters to these people. Why? Because they are, at heart, either leftist statists, using this tragedy to further the disarmament of the American People; or they are cowardly weaklings, willing to give up their liberty (yours, too!) in return for some state-sponsored illusion of safety. If the former, they are little more than craven opportunists seeking some political advantage. If the latter, they are banking on a governmental system that revels in the fact that it is not responsible for the safety of any person, and that it cannot be held responsible when it fails to protect the people.

The real lesson here, as it is with all of these tragedies, is that gun control does not keep anyone safe, and that “gun free” zones are really just standing invitations for mayhem and violence. Ask yourself how many lives could have been saved had one or two of those teachers been armed. It is time we recognize that people need the ability to defend themselves anywhere and everywhere they go. It is time we get rid of these free mass murder zones, get rid of onerous gun control, and accept what Jefferson said so long ago, that an “armed society is a polite society.”

I might add that it is also a safer society!

Categories: Gun Control, Guns and Politics, Liberty, Second Amendment | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Blacks and Gun Control

Gun control is racist. There, I said it. Originally meant to keep blacks defenseless after the Civil War, I have to wonder why African Americans embrace it at all. After all, in our modern society, they are far more likely to face violent crime than any other demographic group. You would think they would want to be able to defend themselves.

Many do, and that is good. Like everyone else, they should. The problem is that so-called “black leaders” have jumped onto the gun-control bandwagon with such abandon that you have to ask whether they actually care about their fellow blacks, or just want to earn points from the leftist leaders running the Democrat Party.

In a recent article on World Net Daily, Erik Rush observed:

Liberal blacks who defend gun control on the basis of violent crime in the inner cities are also off base in overlooking that these urban areas have been under the complete political control of liberals for decades. It is the destructive social policies of the left that have precipitated the dysfunction that leads to violence in the black community. Indoctrinated blacks, of course, do not see the method behind the madness and thus eagerly embrace the simpleton’s impossible fix: Erase guns from the equation. Like so many other Americans, blacks also accept at face value politicians’ feigned concern for our safety.

Rush is right on target, pointing out the “feigned concern for our safety” of leftist politicians. To them, the idea of public safety generally equates to…actually I am not sure what it equates to. The reason being that nothing they do actually promotes public safety. Instead, they create an intrusive and oppressive government presence (TSA anyone?) and demand obedience to that intrusion in the name of “public safety.” This approach doesn’t actually stop any violence. Just look at Chicago, the murder capital of the nation and home to all sorts of leftist “anti-crime” programs under Rich Daley and now, Rahm Emmanuel, and also home to the most draconian gun control laws in the country.

Do you think the leftists controlling Chicago and Cook County give a damn about the fact that their programs not only don’t stop violence, but actually encourage it by keeping the poor and working classes disarmed? The constant bloodshed is an excuse for more and more government control, more and more intrusion into the privacy or ordinary citizens, more and more dependence, and that is how they use it.

Make no mistake, gun control is a lie; it is a tool of political manipulation and subjugation, and it is incumbent on all free people to fight it, because if you lose the right to keep and carry firearms, what will you lose next?

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Bob Costas, Gun Control, and the Death of the Free Press

In case you haven’t heard yet, a pro football player, the linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs, Jovan Belcher, shot and killed his girlfriend and then thanked a few key members of his team management before killing himself. There is talk of Belcher having drug and relationship problems, or that traumatic head injuries incurred during his football career, played a part. I don’t know. It will be weeks before that is all sorted out. What I do know is this: As a gun owner, as an advocate of the Second Amendment, I am not responsible for either of those deaths.

That, of course, runs contrary to what Bob Costas, a long-time talking head for NBC Sports, believes and spewed out during the half-time of the NFL telecast he was working last Sunday night. In a move, matched for tacky political grasping only by Obama himself, Costas began to preach about how the Belcher killings demonstrate the need for more gun control, how terrible it is that we exercise our Second Amendment rights, and how none of this would have happened if on Belcher had not been allowed to have a gun.

Yeah, right.

The report is that he and his girlfriend had been fighting for hours before he shot her. The presence of a gun did not affect that. In fact, had there been no gun for Belcher to retrieve, he would have possibly gone for a knife, a baseball bat, a heavy ashtray, a frying pan, or even his own fists. What would Costas have said if the story was that Belcher beat his girlfriend to death with his fists before laying down in front of an approaching train to complete the atrocity? Perhaps he would have blamed the exercise machines for giving him the strength necessary to pommel the woman to death, and the railroad for being attractive to suicides. I can hear it now: We must have laws in place to keep large men from training to the point where they can kill with their hands; and we must have laws to keep reckless train operators from killing poor, innocently murderous pro football players!

That is absurd, right? So why is the same argument—Costas’ argument—when it focuses on guns, taken seriously? Because the leftist, anti-gun press, parroting anti-gun forces like the Brady Campaign, Obama, Bloomberg, Emmanuel, and their ilk insist upon it.

These forces march in lock-step together. They are interested in disarming the American People, forcing reliance on government by preventing the people from taking care of themselves, and making the U.S. finally safe for them. The mainstream media, with NBC in the forefront, is essentially their propaganda wing. I am not saying they take their stories from leftist sources; I am saying that with leftist control of the media, they are so ideologically driven that they say insane things naturally while doing their damnedest to silence dissenting voices and quell arguments against their assertions.

Yes, I said insane. Bob Costas, and the other useful idiots trying to use this tragic event to further their anti-gun agenda are, in fact, nuts. They ignore the simple fact that this tragedy was authored entirely by Jovan Belcher and that no one else, gun owner or not, has any responsibility to the situation. They ignore the fact that for every Jovan Belcher, there are hundreds of people who use their guns to defend themselves against violence every day. They ignore the fact that more guns equals less crime and violence. The leftist media ignores all of this in order to hang onto a narrative that has lost all credibility with the majority of Americans; that guns, and not the people who use them for evil purposes, are the problem.

If there was really a free press in this country, that narrative would be up for pretty severe argument. The fact that it isn’t, that only a handful of fringe media outlets call the leftists on their anti-gun fallacies, is proof that we no longer have a free press. Instead, we have a media culture that insists that you can say whatever you like as long as the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, the Democrat National Committee, and Barack Obama, approve of it.

The Belcher incident was tragic, no question of it, but so is every other instance of domestic violence; every car crash, plane crash, train crash; fire, flood, tornado; accidental electrocution; every instance of child abuse and molestation. We never speak of surrendering rights with any of those, and they are far more prevalent than what happened with Belcher. I put it to you that just because a gun is involved, that is no reason for the armed and the innocent to start surrendering anything.

Categories: Gun Control, Guns and Politics, Liberty, Second Amendment | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What a Shock! More Guns Equals Less Crime!

I have maintained for years, as have many others on this side of the gun control debate, that more guns equals less crime and violence. The reason for that is simple: If the target of the criminal is armed, they are dangerous to the criminal, who passes them up for someone else less likely to kill him. We see the reverse in Great Britain, where guns are banned and crimes of violence have shot through the roof. We see it America as well, in places like Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C. where, apparently, only criminals and cops may be armed, with the predictably bloody results among those caught in the crossfire.

Now, the State of Virginia, has offered-up of statistics to go with the argument that more guns equals a safer society. reports the following:

The total number of firearms purchased in Virginia increased 73 percent from 2006 to 2011. When state population increases are factored in, gun purchases per 100,000 Virginians rose 63 percent.

But the total number of gun-related violent crimes fell 24 percent over that period, and when adjusted for population, gun-related offenses dropped more than 27 percent, from 79 crimes per 100,000 in 2006 to 57 crimes in 2011.

The numbers appear to contradict a long-running popular narrative that more guns cause more violent crime, said Virginia Commonwealth University professor Thomas R. Baker, who compared Virginia crime data for those years with gun-dealer sales estimates obtained by the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

“While there is a wealth of academic literature attempting to demonstrate the relationship between guns and crime, a very simple and intuitive demonstration of the numbers seems to point away from the premise that more guns leads to more crime, at least in Virginia,” said Baker, who specializes in research methods and criminology theory and has an interest in gun issues.

So there you have a 63% increase in gun ownership, and a 27% decrease in gun-related crimes. This same dynamic is mirrored on the national level as well, with violent crime dropping 12% as gun ownership and concealed carry licensing shot up. Now, this is not a connection that the Left will ever admit, but if you add in the evidence coming out of Great Britain, Australia, Chicago, New York, Washington, California, and other places under the thumb of Leftist Nanny-statists that show fewer gun owners and higher crime; the correlation is impossible for all but the most ardent kool-aid drinkers to deny.

More Americans are buying guns than ever as the truth of this correlation between guns and violence sinks into the national psyche. The Leftist media, in answer, is ramping up the coverage of so-called gun crimes to try and make the public think that more guns equals more crime. It is a lie, they know it is a lie, but the American media is now driven by ideology rather than a sincerely desire for the truth. The same goes for the gun control movement, which shamelessly manipulates statistics to show how dangerous guns are. Their statistics on children killed by guns, for example, include gangbangers up to the age of 26. These are not children, but they are in there anyway. If their arguments had merit, if they were anything more than the knee-jerk reactions of Leftists and hopolophobes (a fear of weapons), these people would not have to lie.

But they do, and that is proof in and of itself that we are right about an armed society being a polite society; and regardless of the spurious arguments coming from the gun control crowd, it always has been, and it always will be.

Categories: CPL Law, Gun Control, Guns and Politics, Liberty, Second Amendment | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Lessons of Sandy for the Self-Reliant

It has been a few weeks since Hurricane Sandy hit the hopelessly, hilariously, unprepared East Coast of the United States. Remember, Sandy was a relatively mild Category 1 storm, not the monster that was Katrina or Hugo of evil memory, so the lessons learned from those storms should have meant that FEMA, as well as State and Local agencies, would be better prepared, right?

Of course not.

FEMA opened camps that are more POW camps than they are relief camps. Mayor Bloomberg, Mayor of New York, kept the National Guard out of the hardest-hit areas of New York City because he doesn’t trust our soldiers with guns, thus retarding rescue and relief efforts and making things all the easier for looters. Long Islanders are just being allowed to twist in the wind regarding their homes as utility and governmental authorities, the very picture of power-obsessed incompetence, move at a stately, glacial pace to determine which properties are safe to rebuild and which are not; a pace that, in and of itself, has ruined lives.

These are the same people that tell you to trust them when you have a crisis, that you don’t need a gun to defend yourself because you have the State, in the form of the police, to protect you. Really?

Never mind that the experience of Chicago, New York, Washington DC, Great Britain, Australia, and other places with gun bans has been that violent crime shoots through the roof. Never mind the fact that the Supreme Court has already said that the police are not there, nor are they obligated, to protect you. Never mind that when someone is breaking into your home, or shooting at you, the police can take as long as fifteen or twenty minutes to get to you, if they come to help you at all. Never mind any of that, these facts are merely collateral to the point, which is this: The government is utterly incompetent to protect you before or during a crisis. They are very good at cleaning up the mess afterward (which is why I believe most police agencies should forget about carrying guns and body armor, and wear trash collector uniforms), but that is about all.

The State, having shown its incompetence, should not be allowed to keep you from protecting yourself, your family, or your property. Obama and his Leftist cohorts, intent on expanding and imposing ever more governmental power, are going to spend the next four years attacking your Second Amendment rights, as well as your rights to carry your weapon and use it to defend yourself. They will claim it is for safety on the streets, but it is only another step toward consolidating power.

It is time to turn away from government–since it cannot help–and toward each other. It is time to take control and be responsible for our own safety and security. Get licensed and get armed today.

Categories: CPL Law, Gun Control, Guns and Politics, Liberty, Second Amendment | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Is America Slipping into Fascism?

There is a new T-shirt out there. It asks everyone who is for gun control to raise their hand. The graphic is of Hitler giving the Nazi salute. I can see the Lefties out there gnashing their teeth at the very thought, but the reality of history is that gun control is linked to every instance of genocidal atrocity from the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turks, to the Holocaust, to Stalin’s purges, to the killing fields of Pol Pot…the list goes on. Each was preceded by “sensible gun control” practiced on people who were brought up to trust in and rely upon their government. Once those trusting people were unarmed, their ever-so-trusted governments turned on them like rabid dogs in a preschool. Why? Sometimes it was a coldly calculated political decision to eliminate any possible threats to the state. Sometimes it was to set an example and put fear into the hearts of the people. Sometimes it was racism and hate. Does it matter why? For whatever reason, the 20th Century saw millions disarmed, and then killed, by their governments. Our Founding Fathers knew the powerlessness of unarmed subjects, hence the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights. They understood that the only way a people remains free is to be armed.

The Second Amendment reads: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The Left has argued for decades that the Militia clause referred to the National Guard, and not to individuals. The problem is that there was not a National Guard when Madison wrote that sentence. No, he understood the word militia to means something entirely different. As our Founders would have understood the word, militia referred to every able-bodied man who could pick up a rifle and defend his community. What does that mean for us today? It means that the militia, as envisioned by Madison, Jefferson, and our other Founders, is us. You are the militia. I am the militia. We are the militia, and that means that we are the last, best line of defense against tyranny.

Why is this important? Because like all democracies, we are losing our way. For years, the Left has been slowly, inexorably, subversively, chipping away at the liberty of the American People. A process that began with FDR in the 1930s, and really took off in the 1960s, put the Left firmly in control of education and media; allowing this erosion of liberty in return for the false security of ever-growing federal government to be made acceptable to enough people to allow them to openly take over. With the reelection of Obama, we have come to that point, where the Left comes out of the shadows and does its dirt right out in the open.

The first thing Obama did was sign on to the UN Small Arms Treaty, which forces restrictive gun control on Americans regardless of the will of the States or even the will of Congress. Then, as if to add insult to injury, Senator Dianne Feinstein began the process of reviving her useless and deeply reviled assault weapons ban. Now we see rules changes to make acquiring a Federal Firearms License (FFL) more daunting by reminding all concerned that denial hearings, while constituting due process, do not have to follow the rules of evidence and other legal niceties required in federal courts. In other words, they are setting the stage to increase the denials of FFLs. Throw in the economic, foreign policy, homeland security, healthcare, and other issues this government plans to “work on;” the openly socialist goals of the Democrat party and the left-of-center shift by the Republicans; and you will see that we are facing a major change in what America means as an ideal. In fact, after the government take-over of the auto industry, it became clear that this government is taking a fascist path reminiscent of Mussolini and Hitler, two totalitarian dictators who grew government for the good of the people, restricted their rights in the name of homeland security; disarmed their citizens, turning them into subjects; and then went homicidal.

But that can’t happen here, I hear you cry, because we are civilized and good!

When Hitler was elected Chancellor, Germany was the hub of European culture, an intellectual mecca with amazing universities, vibrant arts, and a free, cosmopolitan environment that was second to none. Italy was not terribly different, nor was Japan; yet between them, these three nations tore the world apart. America is no different, and it is naivety to suggest that the same atrocities cannot happen here. I am not saying it will, I am saying it can, and with the Obama reelection, I am saying it might. After all, the Left has been pushing us in this direction for decades.

Gun owners, dealers, manufacturers, are all going to face daunting new challenges as this government continues to erode liberty to consolidate power, but then again, so will everyone else; including those who voted this government back into power.

Keep your powder dry, folks. The Militia may yet be needed.

Categories: Election 2012, Guns and Politics, Liberty, Second Amendment | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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